Friday, May 15, 2009

50/50... or not?

when may began i would have bravely told you that the possibiity of having our child when we returned to the states was 50/50...
which considering the last 2 years, we believed was favorable odds!
however, again something unusual has happened this month.
thus far no one & i mean NO ONE - not anyone that lives here, not someone of this countries heritage, not even foreigners overseas - have received any word on referrals. this is a first.
naturally, we are saddened by this turn of events... especially as the possibility of our wait till we receive our child lengthens.
but we will wait. and we will wait prayerfully and with thanksgiving.

in our hearts we believe:
God has directed our steps to this particular adoption journey & he is in total control. and he is good.
these children are not ours to claim. they are a gift from this country. we will forever be grateful to them for our child.
God is the ultimate babysitter and he is capable of meeting all of our child's needs.
God is certainly using this prep time to make us into the parents our child deserves. and we are grateful for this opportunity to know and depend on him more intimately.


Krae said...

Thank you for your encouraging words. I'm lifting you guys up on an almost daily basis as you wait. I bought a ring while I was on the East side that I always wear and every time I look at or notice it I lift up you guys and your desire for children. It's encouraging to see how Father has given you the ability to wait patiently on His plans and trust Him in this time. Your words are encouraging to me as I'm learning to trust His plans and wait on marriage. Thanks guys, Wo ai nimen!