Saturday, March 14, 2009

6 - 12 months more...

as a prospective mommy i scour the internet for all kinds of clues of when our lil' red butterfly might actually find her way into our family. and unlike a typical pregnancy, adoption projections can be a bit less predictable.

hence the original 10 - 12 month wait estimations being blown to pieces as we are now coming up fast on month 21.

the other week during one of my research times i came across a "rumor" that suggested those of us who live in country should consider tacking on another 6 - 12 months to our already obnoxious wait... & then maybe, just maybe, our number (or month) will be up.

at first i scoffed. but soon enough i realized this slow boat can't get any slower... so i dug my heels in - for the long haul.

recently i received an email from our agency. it said our projected "worst case scenario" would be october.

you got it - that falls into the 6 - 12 months more prediction.

*in order to save us all some serious heartache i will not at this time relay all the other "worst case scenario" predictions we have been told... and which in the realm of time have already passed.