Saturday, June 20, 2009

2 years, again...

today, june 20, 2009 marks the 2 year anniversary since we were officially logged into the china adoption program.

and even though there hasn't been a lot for us to do during this time, i feel like i have accomplished the impossible by waiting so well!

ok, so i haven't always waited well... but i am still waiting!

i am excited to report that as of today people are receiving referrals... and supposedly this batch contains some expedited referrals (people who are in a shorter line due to heritage or living on the east side).

the nitty gritty: currently there are reports that the china adoption program agents have matched some expedited cases (thus far i've only heard of heritage matches)... so it looks like it still might be a while before we are holding our child's picture and jumping up and down with joy. however, we rejoice that the line is moving...
also, our agency recently sent an email saying that they were told that we would be moved to the "matching room" with the next batch of files... but even still, there is no way to say WHEN we would be matched.

so we continue to wait.

thank you all for your loving care during these past 2 years... and for praying with & for us during this long journey.

Friday, June 12, 2009

2 years...

today (june 11th) is 2 years of officially waiting. it was 2 years ago that we handed all of our paperwork over to ccaa to apply for adoption through china. our wait began with waiting to hear when they received our dossier (fancy word for 6 months worth of paperwork and jumping through hoops.)

in the eyes of ccaa our wait officially began on june 20, 2007 when they "logged" us in.

even so, i count those 9 days 'cause each day of waiting was just as real as today!

the week leading up to now was exceptionally difficult, mainly as i was dreading the idea of facing the 2 year anniversary itself... and all that it represents.
in this life, there's always going to be something to bemoan. this adoption process certainly allows for a lot of bemoaning material.

however, today i'd like to focus on a few differences between then (june '07) and now...
in the past 2 years we have read, studied and learned a lot about institutionalized/orphaned children.
in the past 2 years we've had ample time to contemplate and discuss our 'ideas' of parenting styles/preferences.
in the past 2 years we have had to readjust our timeline and relinquish many false ideas of control...
in the past 2 years i've had surgery and have enjoyed good health for 15 months!
in the past 2 years we've experienced the joy of having life on life local friends!
in the past 2 years we've reevaluated so much about who we are and what we believe.
in the past 2 years we have grown to love fusion more than we could have ever imagined.
the past 2 years have certainly been difficult - waiting always is - but they have also been a sweet gift from Dad.
the past 2 years have been an amazing blessing...

“Kiss your life. Accept it, just as it is. Today. Now. So that those moments of happiness you're waiting for don't pass you by.”